Trip Hazard Removal
Whether you're a private enterprise trying to enhance workplace safety, a property management firm seeking to maximize their HUD REAC inspection score, or a city ensuring resident accessibility, walkways are an oft-overlooked component of your infrastructure. They are just one more thing that if neglected can lead to headaches in the future, which is why it's wise to keep your sidewalks, porches, and other walkways level and safe. Universal Concrete Grinding specializes in repairing trip hazards by leveling the concrete pad intersections, grinding curbs, and filling cracks and holes.
There are many methods of trip hazard remediation, including mud jacking or pad jacking, pad replacement, cutting, grinding (also called scarifying), and re-leveling. Our grinding and leveling methods are low-cost and time-efficient. In the hands of an inexperienced operator, scarifying machines might leave an uneven, unsightly pattern, which is an unacceptable outcome for certain clients with high regard for aesthetics. We deliver a suitable finish for all our clients.
Cost Savings
For clients emphasizing value, our service is quite competitive. Municipal clients have been quite surprised to learn they can easily save a great deal compared to our competitors, helping to minimize their overall sidewalk repair costs. Those considering sidewalk replacement know it is expensive, and can easily cost $400 per square (not square foot). Even the concrete itself is becoming more expensive, as the world faces a global sand shortage. Our repair process helps defray these costs by providing a permanent, cost-effective solution that saves clients more money over the long-run by extending the life of their sidewalks.
Trip hazard regulations
The Americans With Disabilities Act(ADA) defines the maximum permissible vertical change in level to be ¼ inch, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD) deems a height differential exceeding ¾ inch to be deficient. In addition to the height maximum, there is a slope maximum as well.
Ad hoc asphalt or concrete ramp patches typically do not meet guidelines limiting slope to a ratio of 1:12. These repairs are often only temporary, as harsh weather conditions and hasty installation typically lead to patch failure.
Tripping lawsuits and injury claims
Properties with hazardous walkways can be subject to legal liability for injury claims. Horror stories of multi-million dollar injury settlements are fact, not fiction. The City of New York has spent millions of dollars on legal settlements for trip and fall injuries. The responsible course of action is to repair these defective systems and avoid catastrophic injuries.
ADA Lawsuits
The growth rate in ADA Title III lawsuits has increased recently, with over 60% more lawsuits filed in 2016 than 2015. Primarily targeting small business with fewer resources to contend these claims in court, these lawsuits are often filed by plaintiffs with the intent to settle for thousands of dollars. The number of potentially frivolous lawsuits is intimidating, as the CBS News program 60 Minutes covered in their story titled "Drive-by Lawsuits". Property owners and managers can protect themselves by complying with Federal law. We help you fulfill your statutory obligations by keeping your walkways level and accessible to the public.
What is a reac inspection?
REAC is an acronym that stands for Real Estate Assessment Center of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The goal of the center is to assess the condition of HUD housing to ensure that it is safe and affordable. This is done in part through physical inspection of the housing stock, or REAC inspection. Our role is to help you prepare your facilities to meet existing regulations and maximize the walkway component of the inspection score by eliminating potential health and safety deficiencies.
Safe Routes To school
The Safe Routes To School Program(SRTS) is a federally-funded grant program run by the states designed to "encourage and enable students in grades K-8 to walk or ride their bicycle to school." The funding is intended to be divided between engineering, education, and enforcement strategies. It's the engineering part where UCG can contribute. While installing new sidewalks is not our business, school districts can stretch their budgets with our low-cost repair alternatives.
Environmentally Friendly
“Concrete is responsible for approximately 8 percent of global carbon emissions.” With new concrete contributing to CO2 emissions, grinding extends the life of existing pads.
What We Fix
Trip And Fall Hazards
Broken Or Buckled Concrete
Sidewalk Cracks
Pool Decks
Limit Injury Liability
Score Higher On R.E.A.C. Inspections
Save Money vs The Cost Of Pad Replacement
Meet (ADA)/504 & HUD Regulation Requirements
Improve Snow Removal
Enhance Quality Of Facilities
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Though we are based in Ohio, we offer services throughout the lower 48 states.
Maintenance Plans
UCG offers maintenance plans to smooth your financial outlays as well as your sidewalks. Depending on the physical condition, we can return annually or bi-annually to your properties to preserve the condition we establish during our initial visit.